Got a question?


Have a question?

We know that it can be overwhelming to try and figure all of this stuff out in regards to which treatment option is best for you.  Here are some of the most frequently asked questions.  Please don’t hesitate to call us to speak to someone live to answer any question that you may have.

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(651) 504-3111


When Can I Expect Results?

Much like our other PACE products, the orthoPACE System shows positive effects after only one treatment. Some patients report immediate and complete pain relief after the first procedure; it may take several treatments, depending on the condition chronicity and patient’s comorbidities.

Is it safe?

Yes. Shockwave treatment was originally developed for the treatment of kidney stones over 30 years ago. A wealth of medical experience, state-of-the-art engineering, and optimal quality has been built into the orthoPACE System. Extensive clinical studies and tests have confirmed the safety and efficacy of the technology. 

Local anesthetic or sedation might be required for the treatment. Caution should be taken for allergic reactions to anesthetics or sedation drugs.

Why SoftWave?

Advantages of PACE Technology include:

  • Reduction of inflammation and increased blood circulation through blood vessels dilation and angiogenesis (development of new, small blood vessels)
  • Its ability to work fast and to treat both soft and hard tissues, including superficial and deep soft tissues and semi-hard and hard tissues
  • A proven success rate: usually with just one or a few procedures and without the inherent risks, complications, and lengthy recovery time that can be associated with invasive surgery
  • Quick application: a minimal amount of time is needed to apply (between 2- and 30-minutes, depending on wound size)
  • Patient convenience: Patients can go home the same day the procedure is performed. Patients can bear weight immediately following the procedure and return to normal activity within a few days
  • The level of comfort it offers as a non-invasive procedure, which eliminates the risk of infection and scarring
How Can I Learn More About Your Natural Therapies?

Just give us a call and we will be able to discuss these options in greater detail.  We have several alternative treatments that are game-changers in knee pain relief.

How much does a SoftWave treatment cost?

Please contact us to learn more about our affordable pricing package and options!

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